How to increase your conversion rate
Conversion rate: that all-powerful term, the ultimate end goal in digital marketing, the thing we’re all in some form of business for. But if your online conversion rate is lacking your business could be in serious trouble.
Thankfully there are numerous ways in which you can increase your business’s conversion rate, so that your business is running the game and not trailing behind.
1. Try Using pop ups
Pop ups, when done correctly, can greatly increase your website conversion rate.
For example, you could try several offers like PDFs and free products, ensuring you put a 30 second delay on the pop up so that it doesn’t annoy potential customers. Also, ensure the pop up is easy to close for those leads who aren’t interested in the offer as well as set a cookie so that the pop up only appears once per gadget.
2. Add testimonials & reviews
Because customers love nothing more than knowing they are purchasing from a trusted supplier. What’s more, the web is awash with product reviews for all kinds of brands, so customers don’t want to be the first one to purchase a product without any prior knowledge of it.
Add product reviews from happy customers and you could see your conversion rate increase dramatically.
3. Take out any unnecessary forms
Potential customers can be put off by websites that have lengthy form submissions. It feels invasive and also takes away from what the customer is at your page to do: make a purchase. Remove all unnecessary form fields, allowing for those that are only important to your business’s end goal.
4. Make your website clutter-free
Another major put off for potential customers is a messy, distracting website. When a customer wants to make a purchase they also want a smooth, clear journey to making that purchase, and messy websites do nothing but deter potential customers from making a purchase.
Where possible, have web pages that only contain headings and subheadings, product benefits, reviews and testimonials as well as a product visual. Of course, there are going to be times when you need to add more page aspects, but this does work to keep the page neat and easy to navigate.
5. Improve your call to actions
If your website has a very basic call to action (CTA), it is highly likely that the customer will be deterred from converting. You want your customers to feel welcomed into buying a product, so you should steer clear of basic CTAs.
Instead, try something along the lines of “yes, I want this product” as these CTAs subconsciously make the customer question it themselves – this can prove highly fruitful.
6. Add live chat to your website
Some customers are more than happy to live chat with a business owner/staff member about the product they are offering. Furthermore, customers don’t always want to be kept waiting for the reply to a form submission, so adding a live chat option ensures your customers can quickly find out the information they need to make that all-important purchase.

Have an Australian domain name? Get ready for .au coming on March 24, 2022.
Big announcement, that you need to know about! There are new domain names that will become available in Australia on top of the already existing “”, “” and “” namespaces from the 24th March 2022.

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